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Truck Driver

A truck driver is cruising along when he spots a little yellow man
standing in the middle of the road, crying.
He brings the truck to a standstill,
rolls down the window and asks the little man what's wrong.

"I'm yellow, I'm from Venus, I'm gay and I'm hungry," sobs the little man.

"Well," says the trucker, "I can offer you a sandwich,
but that's as much as I can do."
So he passes a sandwich to the little man and drives off.

A while later, he has to stop again because there's a little
red man in the middle of the road, crying.
So he comes to a halt, rolls down the window and a bit more impatiently
asks the little man what the matter is.

"I'm red, I'm from Mars, I'm gay and I'm thirsty," the little man bawls.

So the trucker says, "I can offer you a can of Coke,
but that's as much as I can do.
"He hands a can of Coke down to the little man and drives off.

A little further on, the trucker spots a little blue man
in the middle of the road. Really annoyed now, he stops,
rolls down the window and snaps, "Yes, you silly little blue moffie,

what fucking planet are you from and what do you want?"


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