Blonde Dyes Her Hair
There was this blonde chic. She was sick of all the blonde jokes,
so she went out and got some red dye.
She felt so beautiful being a redhead
that she decided to go for a country drive.
She came upon a large flock of sheep.
She got out of her convertible and walked over to the shepherd
and said that she had always loved the lovely white sheep.
She said, "If I can guess how many sheep you have in your flock,
will you give me one?"
The shepherd, being a betting man replied, "Yeah, I'm a betting man,
you're on." She looked over the flock and said, "368."
He gasped in reply, "You're right! I am a man of my word,
so go ahead and pick one." She did so, putting it into her car.
The amused shepherd said to her,
"If I can guess your true hair colour, can I have my DOG BACK?"
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