
1. Don't change design of this page and content.
2. Don't remove our copyright and links.

How it works?

Many of webmasters will visit your website and join to our Intelligent Yellow Pages :: Links Exchange System. They will take your promotinal page with your link (your link will be on second position). Webmasters wich will visit their pages - will make the same way.

As your link will move to the fifth position you will have about 50000 links to your website from other sites!!!

Let us demonstrate this: for example, your promo.htmlpage copied to their websites, for example, to 15 websites.
Let's suppose that each of them was visited by 15 webmasters also and joined to our links exchange system in the same way.

Counting to the fifth position: 15x15x15x15= 50 625. Link to you site will be on 50 625sites or pages!

If you link will get to the seventh posotion, result will be astronomic!!!

And these links are constant! They drive potential visitors to your wesite always!

Join to us!

Intelligent Yellow Pages :: Links Exchange System

How to get 22 000 visitors to your website per day for free?

You try to find better way for promote your website? You trying to increase number of visitors to your website?

You are in right place!

We are offer to you FREE Intelligent Yellow Pages Links Exchange System!

Our system are simple but very effective tool for increase rank of your website in the most of search engines like Google and Yahoo.

It is realy simple!

Just need to follow our instructions and you'll get BIG traffic to your website!!! Your link will be placed on 50 000 websites.
The most of search engines will show your website on first page because your website will have BIG rank.

How it works?

See instructions below (under list of links).

Best Links
1 Amuzens Antics,Funny Pictures,Jokes,Funny Picture Antics - funny pictures,funny jokes,pictures,Funny,jokes,adult funny pictures,funny signs,funny picture, picture antics,amuzens antics,antic pictures,funny dirty picture,jokes,funny things,celebrity funny pictures,rude jokes,animated funny pictures,dirty jokes,clean jokes, rude poems,funny humour,blonde jokes,oneliners,naughty poems,illusions,poems,battle of sexes,marriage jokes,funny pics,humour
3 Phone Card Shop - Phone Card Shop is dedicated to provide long distance phone card services like international phone cards and prepaid calling cards with crisp, clear connections and automatic search. Our International calling cards and prepaid phone cards offer the lowest rates for calling to many countries which provide more minutes than ever before with no or low connection fees.
4 Intelligent Yellow Pages - Intelligent Yellow Pages is a new, revolutionary type of traditional yellow pages where everything is about customer and business satisfaction. Our attributes are dynamics, speed, and unlimited possibilities.
5 V.V. Enterprises, Inc. - V.V. Enterprises. Inc. provides different advertisement options to any size of businesses. Its vast array of advertisement services includes but not limited to direct mails, emails, different kinds of offline and online advertisements based on target, demographics, etc. With V.V. Enterprises. Inc. advertisement tools businesses always will be able to reach their potential customers and get full and accurate ROI reports.


1. Fill form below and click on button "Submit".
2. You got new page with your website on first position in links list.
3. Save this page. Use menu "File" - "Save as" menu item for save this page.
4. Copy this html file to your website and give name promo.html for this file.
5. Create text or graphics link to your file promo.html on main page of your website. For example, "Click here to know how to increase traffic to your website for FREE!!!." or "Click here to know how to get 22 000 visitors per day to your website for FREE!!!."

Note: Use attribute target="_blank" of html tag <a> for open this page in new window.

That is all!

Our script will work for your website and you'll get big traffic to your website.

Fill and submit this form and our script create page "promo.html" for your website.
URL of your website:  
Name of your website:  
Short description of your website
(about 200 characters)

© 2004 V.V. Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.