Magic Dildo
A guy goes out to work and leaves his wife alone in the house.
After an hour or so she gets bored and heads off down to the shop.
She says to the shop keeper "Do you have anything to excite me?"
He replies "YES! Glad you asked.
New invention just out called magic dildo.
You say its name twice then tell it to do something and it does!"
"WOW!" Replies the woman, "Ill take one!"
She takes it home opens the box and says
"Magic Dildo, Magic Dildo jump out of the box.
"So it did. "Magic Dildo, Magic Dildo jump into my pussy" so it did.
After 5 minutes of her getting herself off she hears a car on the drive!
She says magic dildo back into the box and pushes it behind a table.
She hears the door unlock and her husband walks in.
HEY HUNNY!" She says.
"What is that fish smell ?
You've been having sex haven't you!" he says.
"No, ill be honest with you. Its a new invention called magic dildo.
It does whatever you want!" She tells him.
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