Pussy's Like
A young lad walks into the house after school
and his father asks him how his day went.
"Dad, all the guys were talking about pussy in school today.
They were all saying how great it was.
What's pussy like, Dad ? What's so great about it ?"
The Father takes a second to think and says,
"Son, have you ever heard a song that you liked so much
that you sang it to yourself all day long?"
"Yeah." replied the kid.
"Have you ever smelled a flower so beautiful
that you had to pluck it out of the ground
and carry it with you wherever you went?"
"Yeah." said the son.
"Have you ever had some food that you liked so much
that you wanted to go your entire life eating nothing but that food?"
"Yeah." answered the kid.
"Well that's what pussy is like before sex." explained the father.
"Well what's pussy like after sex?" the kid asked.
The Father again stopped to think for a second and answered,
"Have you ever seen a bulldog eat mayonnaise?"
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